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bing up中文是什么意思

用"bing up"造句"bing up"怎么读"bing up" in a sentence


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  • Among the standards which are established using mixed coding technology , g . 723 . 1 has the highest efficiency , and widely used in many fields . but to gain the high quality and low baud rate , g . 723 . 1 pays out the cost , such as the high complex of coding arithmetic , high delay and large storage space . each of them bings up the difficulties of its real time implementation
    G . 723 . 1算法是目前制定的一系列采用混合编码技术语音编码标准中效率最高的,以其卓越的性能被广泛应用在各种领域。但它的高质量和低码率,是以高复杂度的编码算法、较高的延迟,以及较大的存储空间换得的,这也大大增加了它的实时实现难度。
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